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Hello, First, I must tell you that I am an individual
relationship with several banks in the world , so my conditions
are very simple and small :

1 - To be major (adult) 2 - Have all your mental faculties 3 -
Have a valid identity document (identity card , passport,
driver's license)


You can get the loan in less than a week . A rate of 3 % will
applied. The repayment period varies from 06 months to 60 months (
This , strictly based on the amount ) . You will start the
first monthly payment three months after the granting of the loan.

Before going further, let me know how you want
borrow and the number of months it will take to pay . If you
please give me the reason why you want to get the loan.
Do you need it now or not?

Best regards!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tag(s) : #amerique, #europe, #monde, #canada, #france, #belgique, #tous
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